Multiplying Evaluation for a Ministry

Thank you for taking this CONNECTING Evaluation.

Your opinion is valued and needed to help the ministry leaders of your church evaluate their efforts toward MULTIPLYING God's people for meaningful ministry.

Please answer the questions below, then click the lower right hand button to continue.

Note: Relative to church ministry, the word MULTIPYING refers to the Church leaders� commitment to duplicate or increase the number of those involved in ministry.

  • 1

    My ministry and/or church provides an intentional process to help potential volunteers discover their competency and passion for ministry before connecting in a ministry position.

  • 2

    My ministry has an intentional process for those involved in ministry to train new workers for ministry positions.

  • 3

    My ministry stresses the importance of those within ministry to apprentice others within the ministry.

  • 4

    My church has an environment where the senior pastor and/or staff are not expected to fulfill all the ministry tasks within the church.

  • 5

    My church believes the senior pastor and staff are primarily called to equip the members to carry out the ministry of the church.

  • 6

    My church has a senior pastor who speaks on church members training others to carry out ministry, both within and outside the church.

  • 7

    My ministry and/or church has an intentional process that pairs a new Christian with a mature Christian to help the new Christian grow in his/her faith.

  • 8

    My ministry holds ministry leaders accountable to reproduce other ministry workers within the ministry.

  • 9

    My ministry motivates ministry leaders to invest themselves in potential ministry workers.

  • 10

    My church has a larger percentage of members training other members than paid staff training members in "how" to do ministry.

  • 11

    My ministry is known in the church as a ministry that utilizes members to train members for ministry.

  • 12

    My ministry provides financial resources for lay members to train other lay members in ministry tasks.

  • 13

    My ministry places a high value on members training other members to fulfill ministry tasks.

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